Friday 22 June 2012

My first own-made Facebook cover page

After some procrastination, here goes. :)

Im proud of myself. Not exactly the best I can come out with, but with the energy level vs fatigue level in me now, I think this is somewhere near very "zai" already. I love!

I am so proud of myself. Nice hor? :D:D

Oh, anyway I have got huge cravings for pizza and wings last night, and daddy brought us to Pizza Hut for a late dinner. So love him to bits! There was like 1-for-1 promotion, so it was really worth it, and Pizza Hut's service has definitely improved a big step, at least I feel so at the Kovan outlet.

My baby, U r coming out soon o, in less than a month. *Breathe in, Breathe out* So excited. But i havent seen the mucus plug yet leh. So maybe still not so soon.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

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