Sunday 24 June 2012

It's a Blink-A-Blink Weekend!

This weekend ZOOMS passed.
Too fast.

Maybe becoz you're coming soon.

A few highlights - I found my coconuts! @ Kovan Hawker. Yes, those GREEN OLD COCONUTS! The water is not sweet - compared to those small thai ones. But its better for BB, becoz its cooling, and I m having ulcer. :(

And then Yujing finally got her new desktop from Sim lim! Woohoo! She is one very lucky girl, maybe that is the best part of being the single child.

For today, we had 126 Geylang Dim Sim for lunch, my favourite!!! Expensive but nice.

And guess what, after craving for Mao Shan Wang for the whole week, and Manfred's daddy is not willing to oblige to the request.... My dad bought 2 boxes without me complaining to him. WOOHOO! Father knows best. Its shiokmax! With the seeds, as slim as... 1/3 of a iPhone depth. Nice~~~ I wanted to only have 2 seeds, but ended up... erm .. *guilty look*

The BBQ for Michael Fong's farewell was really nice. :) Though the attention is on Manfred, most of the time. : ) Everyone is so excited about Manfred.

We are going to see manfred tmr at Doc Ho! And gonna listen to your heartbeat o!

You are a full term baby!

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