Wednesday 20 June 2012

It's been 10 days!

Daddy has been nicotine free for 10 days. I'm so proud of him. I'm sure Manfred is too!

u r manfred's champion dad!

For someone who has smoked for 15 years, it's really not easy to not touch, but once u r firm in quitting, noone can tempt u. Same thing, if u dun wan to quit, noone can help u.

It's fresh air every morning! I don't mind waking up early to prepare brekkie for him as a reward. But he's a fussy brekkie person. He doesn't like sandwich( the easiest to prepare ma). Even if he is OK with sandwich, it has to be egg mayo type. Or Ham cheese egg sandwich... those that need some time to prepare one. Not that I complaining, as long as he has a good brekkie.

My prata egg that I have been procastinating.. I will cook tmr!

Have been feeling really tired these two days. Pelvis bones starting to hurt. Didn't sleep well. A lot of things on mind. No breaktime for my busy brain. And maybe it's the light. Have been sleeping with bedside lamp on. Somehow I will feel more secured with the lighting.

Manfred is coming anytime. I m so excited and nervous. Ah!

Baby, I seriously am contradicting! I wanna see u so badly. But I'm gonna miss u badly too. Aiyo!

OK la, u stay inside until ur ready. And most preferably at 3.5kg OK?

I love u. Muacks!

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