Monday 11 June 2012

Daddy said...

He is gonna QUIT SMOKING!

It's a little doubtful, coz it was an impulsive commitment  during an argument.

But nevertheless, when he reached his 17th hours without tobacco, I was very very proud of him. I hope he can persevere, but on the other hand, when I see him feeling so bad and suffering from all these withdrawal symptoms, I had this urge to ask him to give up quitting. Worse comes worst, its Manfred and me suffering his second hand smoke only mah. No big deal.

But I know if he can get through this, he has reached another BIG achievement in life. It's a legend he can tell his children, brag to them next time.

Actually I dont have the 101% confidence he can make it, because I dont want to have disappointing results later on. But, no matter what, as long as he is still on the journey to QUIT, I will be understanding and be there to SUPPORT HIM throughout, come what may.

It's gonna be VERYVERYVERY tough for him these couple of days. I hope he can make it.

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