Sunday, 8 December 2013

Baby m is 16 weeks. :)

Well, thou it wasn't a totally easy and very smooth sailing pregnancy journey till now, baby m is already 4 months old. 

Two weeks ago it started with spotting some brown-pinkish discharge. I went to doc Ho and he have me duphaston and I have to go back for hormones jab twice a week. :( 

On and off the brownish pink stains still exist. Yes it's keeping me worried especially after reading those posts online. But after all it's not within my control. So long I do my best to protect the little one, he has to do something for himself and for mummy daddy. I have faith in u baby m. 

Went to visit Chen Er Bo yday and he said that baby m is a very sensitive baby so I can't attend red and white events. Cannot let people touch my tummy too. 

Ha, little baby... 你还真是的噢。

Monday, 2 December 2013

A most dramatic weekend~~ Painful, may be a better word. DENTAL SCARE!

And yes i had this sudden sharp pain that came for a good 5 minute at 11plus on Thursday night while watching tv. Since it went away, I didnt give a damn about it... until... 3.30am, I woke up from the pain again! Horrible. It was so bad. It pained from the gum, to the ear to the back of the head. I nearly woke Mike up, but it went away, so I went back to sleep.

The next day, I was at home working when that pain came and it started to feel unbearable. I put on ice, I rinsed with salt water, I didnt help much. When Mike came back, he fetched me to Q&M Punggol Place. It was an ang moh dentist on duty and she said there is no other way to solve it except to EXTRACT MY WISDOM TOOTH. I had great second, third thoughts about it. I went to Hougang and seek 2nd opinions at Dental Wong (Ave 8). Nurses all asked me to consult my gynae first.

I went home, praying all would be good. But it turned out to be the most painful night in my life. At midnight, while bathing the pain hit me so bad, I was crying with tears flooding down my cheeks. Mike heard me crying and he came over to the room,  and off we went to SGH (believed to have 24 hour dental help - as of google) When we reached there, the nurse said she cant help because even if she were to call in the dentist officer to come, he can only stop my pain, but given my scenario, there is alot of pain killers that I couldnt take - only panadol. So I bear with my FREAKING PAIN and we drove around Serangoon and Hougang Area, hoping to find a 24 hour dental. But no luck!

Went home, the pain went down like maybe 10%, I grabbed an ice pack/towel, bumped it on my right cheek and I fell asleep. It was 3am.

Seriously, in Singapore, u can have all kinds of pain in the middle of the night, but NOT TOOTHACHE. NOONE CAN HELP U!

The next day, I went to Q&M Hougang Central to extract my tooth with Doc Keffe Lim (or i dunno how to spell his name). He sounds like a Malaysian. Nice guy, no airs, and could see he tried his best and tried to be assuring. As I cant take x-rays, he cant do surgery for me, only to pluck out the crown and to leave the root there. He said the bone will cover back nicely. 95% of the patients have no complaints. But, if I wanted it clean, I can choose to take it out (again) after I delivered.

I was on local anesthetics, it wasnt painful, but definitely could feel the pressure when he tried to PULL MY TEETH OFF. I know he tried his best. And i think Guan Yin Ma is watching over me. I prayed hard for baby m's safety as I soothed my tummy.

Din really feel the pain, but the itch was BAD after I woke up from my nap. It was madness itchy!!

I wanted to eat mash potato for dinner and so Mike brought us to compass point to eat KFC. He ordered 2 pc for me too. (-__-'") I tried lor. He tore into smaller pieces for me and I tried. And yes, I could finish one pc. haha. And my muscles are tired already. I finished the Medium whipped thou. :) Love it. After which when we wanted to shop for my havaianas, I felt faint already, like really tired and non-stop yawning. Gosh, was I worried and scared. It was really not a good feeling to feel faint.

And off we go back, but before that, he drove to POPEYEs to buy 2 large mash for me, in case I got hungry.

I was able to eat on the actual day this time round, compared to the first time I had my wisdom tooth extracted. But that was the WHOLE tooth, and this time round its only 1/2 the tooth, not sure if that made a difference.

And the itch hasn't stopped since i plucked my tooth on Saturday. Pls pray for me that it heals soon! Its torturous.

Thanks all.

Friday, 29 November 2013

5 regrets human have on their death bed about their life

a nurse has gathered these from patients' deathbeds.

let's see.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.
It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.
By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.
We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way,you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.
It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. When you are on your deathbed, what  others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.
Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness

-CREDITS: --  See more at:

Monday, 25 November 2013


Bio-logically speaking baby number two has a higher chance of being a blue. But a part of my inner peace and voice tells me it's a pink. 

Let's see in a month's time. Baby, don't be shy don't be shy. Show doc ho what color u r!!

Mummy loves u!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013


It's driving me and mike insane. Now that I'm into the 2nd trimester, manfred has really been cranky ttm. Is totally not easy to turn him in for the night. He wakes up at weirdest hours in the middle of the night. He wakes up damn early too! We r totally sleep deprived to the max. 

I need some help here. 

I need to train manfred to be able to sleep on his own very soon. Else how am I gonna handle both in months to come? And manfred is damn cranky!! I hope this stops soonest. Else I'm really going crazy. Totally driving me out of my mind!!!! 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Hello number 2.

Hi baby!!!

So happy to have 'met' u again yday at the Oscar scan. U were really cooperative and soo soo cute. U were literally jumping up and down. Or I was thinking were u having hiccups? Anyway good job baby, well done for yday. So active and cooperative. Kor kor was more bo chup that time when we were doing the oscar scan. 

Korkor loves u too u know? He always kiss kiss u whenever mummy asked him to sayang didi/meimei. 

Have fun inside baby. 2 more trimesters to go!! 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

SIgh. A twist in my career

Really been quite long again since i last updated.

SIGH. Been more downs than ups - mostly in the work area.

I know i need to just TAKE THAT FIRST STEP. But I dunno what's stopping me. Seriously. WHAT? Confirm there wont be bonus this year one.

i should have the savings to cover me.

And I wanna start something on my own.

I dont wanna work under anyone anymore. Not now. Maybe after next year Aug? I wanna be there for Manfred whenever he wants me to. I grew up in such environment, and I hope my children can enjoy such a privilege too. Its so stressful to even take a MC when Im sick. Boss has been really unhappy about me taking leave. He said he understands, coz Im a mother and sometimes I need to take off to take care of my boy's issues. But it doesnt seem so. Can see that he is really unhappy about it. Especially that one week of urgent week. Boss said Im not doing enough to bring in more sales. But looking at my team - it just makes me doubly no mood to being in new sales.  Not positive nor supportive. Just a lot of complains, a lot of questions. :(

I need to start something. But what is good?

I wanted to go into property, but all the insiders told me its really a bad time to enter. COV is dropping. Noone sells.

Then I wanna start an online shop. But what? Everything is so competitive. I need something really SPECIAL, and UNIQUE that cant be found just anywhere.

MOMO game card? To revive it?

I need an idea. Just an idea. To ignite things.

Someone just give me some ideas.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Mummy's gonna have faith

Hi Little One

Mummy's gonna have faith in you.

Mummy's gonna believe in you.

Mummy's gonna think POSITIVE.

You're gonna be good.

You're gonna be as strong as your big brother.

We will do it together, with daddy, and kor kor.

Hello, small m. @ 6 weeks.

Hi baby, how are you?

Sorry that Mummy kept thinking of the negative these couple of weeks. I guess it wont be the same when Mummy was having your big brother. It was more relaxing for me. But now, I have your big brother to attend to, and our home to up-keep. Luckily daddy was helpful it he chores too.

There was this night when mummy was super depressed. And so I decided to tell sugaraunt the next day. I know she will be with us along this journey. :)

And Im determined that you deserve a HAPPY MUMMY, and not a worrying mummy. I will be happy and positive. Small m, you have to jiayou too ok? So far so good..erm, not too bad. Feeling really nauseous esp with an empty stomach, but last time kor kor also like that.

Im so excited to know whether you are a boy or girl.  ;P But irregardless, u know i still love u! Same same with korkor. Kor kor getting very naughty nowadays. But i guess that is part and parcel of growing up. :) Kor kor knows how to say Daddy, and Yeye... and started to walk really fast and far recently. Fantastic!

And pls take those yucky pills!!!! Mummy hate it, but how? Its good for you. So WE WILL HAVE IT TOGETHER!!!

*Spartan face*


jiayou love.

Friday, 6 September 2013

A stay at home mother, I've always wanted to be.

And when i read this article, alot of thoughts flooded in...

Since I was young, I had the dreams to get married and have my own kids, I've always had this illusion to be at home, taking care of my kids, and bringing them to school, cooking for them and the hubby, do house chores... just like what my mum did. I was brought up in this type of environment where my mum was a housewife, taking care of our every needs. My dad owns a small business, steady income, so there's not much to worry in terms of financial wise.

As I grew up, knew and accepted the living standards in my homeland, I started to realise that my dreams of being a stay-home-mum is going away.

I still have to go work, at least to earn for my money, to buy the things that I want and need, to fork out a bit for the family expense, and majority goes to Manfred's toys. But having kids stop me from moving upwards in my career. I don't want to be a career woman, those who work day to night, night to day, and have to travel regionally, or night entertainments every day, every week. Yes, they could earn alot. They could earn themselves expensive cars, big houses, branded clothes, but emptiness in the heart. How much quality time do they have for their kids? How much time can they afford to listen to their kids?

Yes, I have no dreams to earn the sky. So long as what I am earning is comfortable for me to be able to buy my stuff, and the hubby has no big burden to pay for my expenses or the family's expenses. So long as I can still have some time for Manfred everyday. Sometimes I feel guilty when I reach home late, and I didn't have any time with him. I so look forward to see those cheeky and happy smiles and laughters from him, after work. Nothing else can come any closer.

Recently, I bought a 42cm tall minion toy doll for him and he was like having so much fun wrestling with it and we really had good laughs over that. Last night when I reached home, I asked for a big hug, and he dashed across to hug minion. So cute and cheeky can! And then we played catching with hubby piggy-backing him. We ran in and out of the rooms, and the boy was laughing so so hard. Then it just double assured me that, its not about how big the house you're living in, it's the laughters and fun the family enjoys in a cozy (small) space we call home. I'm always not very concern about how big or small our house is. But in years to come, when the hubby progresses in his career, and sees his friends/colleagues staying in private property, just worried that he can't resist the temptation. Or like, its a "face-thing"? *shrug*. I always believe Every families have a story to tell, and so you can't judge by the cover. 

Coming back to the topic, I'm working towards the aim to be a work-at-home mum. So, I can still earn my share of income, and have MORE time with Manfred, and to do the house chores. Meaning, I still need manfred at the babysitter's, while I need some concentration to work from home. After I'm done with work, chores and cooked dinner, I can bring Manfred back early. I can still teach him homework, he can still eat home cooked dinner. How nice would that be. No big income, just enough for me to spend (comfortably) and save up for rainy days.

That's why I'm being active in my blog again, this being the first step.

I don't have any concrete solid plans yet. But still working on it. Any mummies working from home, have any tips to share? I really really need some of those tips.

Everything is dispensable, except Family. It's always the number one in my list, especially my kids. Don't expect anything in return from the kids, and you'll enjoy parenting as much as You should. :)

If i were to start a shop, what should it be selling?

If I were to provide a service, what would it be?

If I were to....

I need help. sos. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Another milestone! Manfred taking his first steps (14 months)!

I am so proud of you, baby. I can't wait for the day when you and daddy can play soccer/basketball together. Or simply, just taking a stroll at the seaside. :)

Review on Motorola Digital Monitor - MBP11

I must say, this monitor is a good buy. There are 2 machines (obviously!) One is with baby, the other with mummy. I can carry mine around the house while Manfred is alone in his room sleeping, or sometimes, just playing with himself. Nomore paranoid moments if I hear some children cry/make noise. All I have to do is to check whether the lights are blinking, and of course obviously his cries will be projected from my set. I can do my chores without running to his room to check on him every 5-10min. The sound is crystal clear. Sometimes when Im playing some lullaby music in his room, the tune will be picked up and I can hear it on my set, but when it senses that that is some "background" music, it will "relax and chill" until a new sound is picked up. Very smart, right? You can adjust the volume, up to you how loud do you wanna hear your baby. :)

Manfred is now sleeping alone in his room, so this thing is super useful at night. It picks up the slightest sound, and it will wake me up to check on the "woken-up" boy. Without this machine, I won't be able to throw him to sleep himself.

Do take note that it's a one-way communication. Sound is picked up by baby set, and transmitted to mummy set. But mummy set won't be able to transmit any sound to baby. (so don't expect to "hello, hello, dinner is ready, pls be ready at dining table in 5!" and get a reply, "wait, mum, i'm in the midst of my game.) Would not be happening. But Ok wad, I dont need the sleeping baby to "hear" what I'm doing. :)

Got this "toy" at a local online store at SGD$79 (GSS promo).

As you can see from the pic, I carry it around with me, hanging on my shorts.

Rate: 5/5 I seriously can't think of any cons.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

And so bloglovin'

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A Stay Home Mum for a week! (and his everyday schedule/timetable)

Last week I stayed home with Manfred for the whole week coz Aunty Nancy (aka his babysitter) had her family issue to attend to - her brother passed away. :( And the hubby had got Reservist to attend to. At first I wasn't the most confident to be able to handle the naughty boy 24/7 for a week, but i thought, if I couldn't, who possibly could do better (other than Aunty Nancy)?

And Tadah! I m proud of myself.

And roughtly, his time table went like this. I guess end of the day, sticking to a timetable really helps and works. Easier for the mother and child. Mum has a hour or so to nua abit after rushing through some chores while baby is sleeping.

8.30am-9am - Good morning! Milk for Breakfast/ Change of Diaper/ Little bit of Clean up
9.30am - 11am - Play / Play / Play
11am + - Pram Pram ride to Fernvale Point market to buy food and if weather is good (aka not too sunny), off we went to the playground for some exciting climbing (not for the faint hearted)
12pm - Home. Lunch (either porridge/cereal). Bathe!
1pm ++ - Nap Time. And he rolled and rolled and rolled to his favourite position before he knocked out to lala land.
3pm ++ - Woke up from nap. Milk for high-tea. Play on his own, or if I have the time to spare (from my work stuff), we will play together. :D
6pm - Dinner time. Porridge/Cereal option. Depends mummy feel lazy or not.

After (his) dinner, we would normally go out for a walk or for the adults' dinner. I am so blessed to have awesome neighbours like Joey and Alex. When the hubby couldn't make it home early last week coz he was 'serving the country', the neighbours 'jio' me (and Manfred) for dinner. Alex drove us to Lim Tua Tao for some Taiwanese cuisine. :)

And, it was so fortunate that it was Yujing's vacation and she dropped by to 捣蛋 'accompany' us too. She stayed over for a night on Thursday too! And this girl went to sell shoes starting yesterday, at Charles & Keith. Yay! I'm going to ION to bug her for discounts!

After thoughts... 

1. It's really not easy being a working mum. When things like this does happen, the first emotionally affected person is Le Boss. In my team at work, I need to jagar my AE team, but when I m not around, he will have to take over this responsibility. I don't blame him for feeling sianz about me taking a one week urgent leave, but I have no control over such things when it happened. We all do understand on this. But ... still...

Maybe I should accelerate on setting my own biz, and so I would also have the flexibility in my own time and schedule. No more black face from le boss. And if so, what should I be selling? Product? Service? I really need to step up on this! I even went online to buy a e-book by Moon Loh which cost me $50. She's a mumpreneur. Still reading, and shall see how that book helps.

There are also many mumpreneurs who are indeed inspiring.

2. Even if I can't set up my own biz yet, i would appreciate better a mummy-friendly working hour. Anything that could end work by 5.30pm? So that when I reach home, I still have ample time for my house, for Manfred, for myself. :)

For now, I reach home at about 9pm on the average after fetching Manfred from Aunty Nancy's place. Tell me, where do I squeeze time for Manfred when he is sleeping at about 10pm? And 10pm is quite a late timing for babies his age. And And And, I have to do the house chores. So, what we do is, one adult (normally the daddy) to settle Manfred (clean him up, feed him, pat him to sleep), while le me will bathe, and then settle the house chores. By the time we are done, it's already 11ish. Catch some TVs, and fold some clothes, and before we know it, it's already time for bed and we are so tired. And this cycle repeats itself from Monday to Friday.


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Second night ...

So tonight is the second night that manfred baby kinda self slept... I would just stay by his side and see him roll back and forth until he is ready for the final touches aka the pat and hum along. 

Still remember it had been a battle the couple of weeks back. How he would cry out loud whenever we tried to pat him to sleep, and he would climb up and down the bed, crawl in and out of his mattress, and simply ignored our call for him to sleep. Until, one day I just sat there and followed his flow. It was better. I just let him do what he wanted too, while I tab tab my phone or just praising him for whatever I could think of. Before I know it, he went to his pillow and grab my hand to pat pat him. Ah, so don't force him, and that's the key. 

Tonight as usual, I sat beside his mattress. I off the lights. He went to his mattress and toss and turned for about 15min, before landing in his decided position for me to pat pat, and he is now asleep. :) 

Phase of growing up. 

Oh, and today I decided to just let him play with his porridge. Ok, it was intended to let him self feed with hand. but it was all in a mess. Himself. The floor. The high chair. It was an eye opener thou. I'm not too sure if I'm gonna let him do it again. Haha. 

I love my boy so much. Too much. 

It's been too long ..

Yeah, it's been a long while. 

Too busy with new house, too tired with chores and of coz babysitting the boy on weekends, he's a big boy now. Climbing up and up, crawling back and forth, learning his first steps to walk. He could like walk 3 fast steps and BOOM! ... fell on the ground. But his one brave boy! 

Had his birthday bash at our new place last month with close friends and family, doing the housewarming all together. 

I'm now an expert with porridge for babies, making different porridge for him every weekend. Not that he could finish everything, he is a picky eater. He puke out whatever he doesn't want to be inside his mouth. Bad bad habit which we r acting on it.

I love this little boy. He sleeps alone in his bedroom with all lights off. But we had a very hard time coaxing him to bed every night for the couple of weeks. It's better now, but patience, behold, still. 

Just caught a flu from his cousins on wed. Brought him to the doc at rivervale plaza sbcc on Friday. After taking the meddy for runny nose, seem to have quite a fast effect. Still runny on Friday and Saturday but at least mucus not much to be seen compared to Thursday and Friday morning. 

The pink syrup been good, and this time round I don't use the syringe anymore to feed him his meddy, I use the spoon that the clinic will always give for syrup. Anyway I haven't been giving him Prospan, unless his cough decides to drop by, but *touchwood* The illadin is for block nose, pretty good but not to use more than 5 days as it causes dry nose thereafter. We only dropped that into his nose when he is sleeping, as he hates people to touch his nose, had a phobia with that ever since a doc goh tried to wash his nose for the first time when he had a flu. Poor boy. Dunno how long this phobia gonna last. 

Anyway the boy is asleep now. While cooking his porridge, I'm just nua-ing on my sofa. When you're a mother, you will know, this is a very simple yet satisfying blissful indulgence. 

Alright shall get ready for gai gai later. Tatah! I so wanna go diaso. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Toys Review: FISHERPRICE Sing With Me CD Player VS Vtech Rock n Roll Radio

Manfred baby LOVES toys with music & light and so when I saw vtech rock n roll radio at Taka departmental, I knew i got to get that for him. He held it in his pram and he was so refusing to pass the toy back to me, until i gotta force it from him and go pay for it. :) 
Forgot exactly how much but its in the SGD$30s range. 

What I love about this toy is that no matter where you press/turn, there is light and music, and and and... Manfred is still loving it now. He seldom has loyalty for his toys, but this one does! 

And I love it becoz its so handy. So, just nice for his little hands. 

The music is very cheery kind of music. I always leave this little handy toy in the car coz when we are travelling in the car, this toy can entertain him for the whole journey. Especially when at night, the lights are more obvious. Actually the light only lit up through the green and red button, but thats quite enough keep my son entertained. haha.  

Next up, I saw the Fisher-price Sing Along with me cd player at toys r us (united sq). Price is around the same as the vtech radio. I thought Manfred may like this too. So I got it.

Hmm, as there are 4 specific buttons to press to get the sound and light, my son didn't know how to "operate" this toy at first so I gotta teach him. After a few failed attempts and some passed attempted, he didn't quite like it. And, it was too big for him, not very handy compared to vtech's.

And that radio fell onto his face a couple of times. (too heavy for a barely one year old to handle I guess).

And this is now in the toys box. :P I guess I may still let him try when he gets a little bit older and see how he would react to it. Maybe by then he would know how to "insert" the CDs into the slot. :) Though the box says 6 months - 36 months, I dont think i would recommend to those not yet 12 months.

My verdict for now: Vtech wins.
1. Its handy.

2. Almost anywhere that Manfred's hands/fingers land on, there's sound and light, he loves it. He doesn't specially gotta like "press that button". Like I say, when he grows up a little, he may like it. Not sure about that now.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

27.2.13 - Poor boy cried big last night

Could be not feeling comfy, could be hungry, or it could be a terrible nightmare. The boy cried in the middle of the night refusing to open his eyes despite how hard we tried to call his name, hopefully he will open his eyes and wake up. Cried for long.

Need to bring him go pray pray today. Call me bung-dan.

Seem to have seen something He shouldn't have. *goosebumps*

*UPDATED: after the pray pray, he was perfectly fine sleeping at night. Call me bantang. It works.

Friday, 12 April 2013


Not too bad. Last night he slept pretty well only to wake maybe twice due to his dudu dropped and being thirsty.

Finished his feed last night and this morning

Still heard some snotty noise from his nose/throat. But nomore runny nose. Hmm, a couple of cough though.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

manfred is sick (again)

Sigh, baby Manfred is down with flu fever and some coughing again.

:( So was thinking of doing a record here so as to keep for future reference.

Monday, brought him for babyspa. It started drizzling and he was caught in the rain, little bit only lar. And daddy was still saying very loudly, "he's manfred, no scared of the rain." -___- such things can say one meh.

Maybe I shouldn't have opted him for the massage after the spa as it was a little cold in the room. :(

Aiya, I dont know whats the cause for his flu, but i guess could be one of the 2 reasons i stated above.

And on Tuesday night, he started with lotsa sneezing and runny nose.

During the night he couldnt sleep well AT ALL, he cried like every hour, and its those non stop crying, which is totally inconsolable. I blame it on teething. His cries were filled with frustrations. Poor thing. I also poor thing. Cant have a sane sleep through the night. Wake up every hour, and i totally felt like giving up, and just let him cry. I was totally helpless. TOTALLY. I dont know what to do to stop him from crying. Then we realised, MILK is the magic. He downed 2 bottles of 4 oz at 4 plus and 6 plus which is very rare of him now coz he seldom wake up at night to ask for milk. So i totally blame it on his teething. I guess the teat (from biting) and the warm milk somehow made his gums felt a little better.  And then he dreamt off to lalaland... and woke up 1+ hour later. (OMG)

And so, on Wednesday morning after Daddy sent him to nanny's place, auntie nancy called and said he is running a fever and having a runny nose. We brought him to Sbcc after work. Dr Goh Siok Ying (our favourite) wasnt around so we went for Eugene Han. He blamed the sleepless night on the flu, while I blamed it on teething. The good thing is his lungs and throat are clear, so its really all gathered at the nose.

I hope he gets better real soon, coz he is having this baby spa swimming contest on 4th May. He needs to go "practise" during the upcoming weekends too. I am a kiasu Mum. :D

I love my kiddo. Even though he has his cranky sides. I love him!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Goodbye 2012, with loves.

And it is another year. Thank you 2012. It had been a great great year. A year that marks another milestone in my life. In 2012, I've become a mother. I've been through pregnancy and delivering my baby boy!

From being secretive about my pregnancy (the 3 months' rule) to admitting to hospital due to contractions (during 27 weeks) and delivering Manfred in July. Woah, what a journey!

Thank God for everything i am having now. A new LOVE and motivation in my life. Totally LOVE. Yes, he may be cranky at times (and drove me up the wall), but his big smiles and laughters blew all the crankiness away. Seeing his progress day by day, is a big big blessing to me everyday! One day he may lift his head up (@ about 1 month plus), and another day, he flipped and rolled, and lay in a turtle position. Amazing! No one taught him, and it just happened. In fact, for every babies, it's such an amazing gift in them.

Today, I witnessed him WALK in the walker. And that made me go woo-wah-ohh! My boy is amazing.

So much happened during the 5 months.

Of course, there's also so much that I've got to sacrifice for Manfred. SLEEP is number 1. MY OWN TIME is number 2. But i keep telling myself, I will cherish what I m sacrificing now, coz in no time, he will be all grown up and he will not want to go out with mummy and daddy anymore. Therefore, I would want to spend more time with him now. :)

Moving on, my work and career.

Until now, I'm still quite certain that I would still want to remain in the creative industry. And more certain that I m not looking forward to join so called The Big Companies, unless maybe they pay gold peanuts. :P

I love my job and am glad that after 22 months at FJORD, i'm still not dragging my feet to work. 2 more months to 2 years there! Time flies. From getting married, to being pregnant, to being a mummy, everything happened within this 1 year plus at FJORD.

I've gained a lot and of course, lost some things in life too.

I've lost my right vocal cord due to bacterial infection complication which happened 3 days before i delivered Manfred. But after a few months, my voice is coming back, though my left vocal is working very hard. No more KTV for me as most of my high-keys are forever gone. But its alright, I appreciate what I have now. At least I can still talk and not yet, affect my work. My voice is my rice-bowl.

I've lost some good friends who really once mattered to me, a lot. But I'm also glad after near to a year, I have moved on fine after some heartbreaks and reflections. Yes, things will not be the same, no more. Moving on is the only solution. I cant just sit there and draw circles. So, good bye with love, as much as I really dun wish this to happen, but I wish them well with all my heart. :)

But then again, there is this handful of people in my life, who never let go of me, accept my flaws as much as my strengths.. for truly who I am. Ridiculous, quick-tempered, crudely humorous (at times), always late, and grumpy when tired. Forgiving, generous, lame, bubbly, and always act-smart. You may be a long-time friend, or a new friend who just entered my life, or a family member, or just someone close to me...  I just wanna say Thank You. Could never thank enough for accepting me for who I am. Coz I just realised it's so hard to have these people in life. A small handful, is very fortunate already.. <3

And for 2013: I Want To...

- Save more.
- Visit my parents more, especially my mum.
- Work harder to shed those spare tyre off my waist
- Take care of my health
- Be more patient and loving to Manfred and his dad (haha)
- Be positive
- Be more focused at work, hopefully could bring Fjord to another stage. Have gotta be more cheong liao.
- Learn more dishes, Cook them.
- Be very involved in OUR NEW HOUSE!! Cannot Nua !!


Hello, 2013! Hope you will treat me well and good!! Rock on!