Sunday 8 December 2013

Baby m is 16 weeks. :)

Well, thou it wasn't a totally easy and very smooth sailing pregnancy journey till now, baby m is already 4 months old. 

Two weeks ago it started with spotting some brown-pinkish discharge. I went to doc Ho and he have me duphaston and I have to go back for hormones jab twice a week. :( 

On and off the brownish pink stains still exist. Yes it's keeping me worried especially after reading those posts online. But after all it's not within my control. So long I do my best to protect the little one, he has to do something for himself and for mummy daddy. I have faith in u baby m. 

Went to visit Chen Er Bo yday and he said that baby m is a very sensitive baby so I can't attend red and white events. Cannot let people touch my tummy too. 

Ha, little baby... 你还真是的噢。

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