Wednesday 4 September 2013

Review on Motorola Digital Monitor - MBP11

I must say, this monitor is a good buy. There are 2 machines (obviously!) One is with baby, the other with mummy. I can carry mine around the house while Manfred is alone in his room sleeping, or sometimes, just playing with himself. Nomore paranoid moments if I hear some children cry/make noise. All I have to do is to check whether the lights are blinking, and of course obviously his cries will be projected from my set. I can do my chores without running to his room to check on him every 5-10min. The sound is crystal clear. Sometimes when Im playing some lullaby music in his room, the tune will be picked up and I can hear it on my set, but when it senses that that is some "background" music, it will "relax and chill" until a new sound is picked up. Very smart, right? You can adjust the volume, up to you how loud do you wanna hear your baby. :)

Manfred is now sleeping alone in his room, so this thing is super useful at night. It picks up the slightest sound, and it will wake me up to check on the "woken-up" boy. Without this machine, I won't be able to throw him to sleep himself.

Do take note that it's a one-way communication. Sound is picked up by baby set, and transmitted to mummy set. But mummy set won't be able to transmit any sound to baby. (so don't expect to "hello, hello, dinner is ready, pls be ready at dining table in 5!" and get a reply, "wait, mum, i'm in the midst of my game.) Would not be happening. But Ok wad, I dont need the sleeping baby to "hear" what I'm doing. :)

Got this "toy" at a local online store at SGD$79 (GSS promo).

As you can see from the pic, I carry it around with me, hanging on my shorts.

Rate: 5/5 I seriously can't think of any cons.

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