Sunday 19 February 2012

My life surrounds you....

Manfred Tong, you are not just part of me, but I feel that I m part of u in fact. I'm your creator machine, my appetite and mood really all depend on u, although u r only a 15cm thingy inside me.

I pray, only for u.
I eat, whatever u want to eat.
I'm happy becoz I feel u.
I'm worried when I don't.

But if only there is something that we can do to stop daddy from smoking. It's not hard to quit, it's really up to his determination. To me, he is a guy who can be really determined and motivated , but why is he not like that when it comes to quitting smoking. He doesn't even have the intention to quit smoking. :( that's the ultimate saddening part.

I get very pissed off when I smell even 3rd hand smoke nowadays. Super sensitive to such smell.

And daddy is not helping to protect you. >:(

Maybe there r some things that the father don't feel it.

Maybe we should leave daddy further away.

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