Monday 6 February 2012

And then.. It's another visit to doc ho

BB, daddy and mummy will be seeing you tmrw. Can you be guai guai and show us whether U have birdie or no birdie. Are u a boy boy or girl girl? So that mummy and daddy can prepare your stuff le mah. :)

Mummy is really excited and can't wait to hold u in my arms. At the mean time it actually feels good to protect u when your inside me. Hee.

I guess it's not easy for all parents to raise their kids. And their endless worries. BB will u be guai next time when you grow up and not make daddy mummy angry too much?

I think I'm going to look at your cousin devean more. Coz I think he is very cute. :) but if u girl girl, I no girl girl bb to look at wor. ;p

BB u must grab more calcium from mummy this weeks. Coz your bones are growing and hardening. U need calcium. Just take as much as u can from mummy. It's ok if mummy has ugly nails or in this case, lesser calcium. I wan u to have alll you need.

BB is growing wor. Estimated length is 14cm. BB are u that long yet? Tmrw shall reveal. So excited. I see you tmrw. Love love.

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