Monday 13 February 2012

Manfred Tong waiting for daddy to pang gang

Yes, Manfred Tong, bear your tiny hunger for a while and we will go have a good dinner later with daddy OK?

Raining??? Wtf!

I know today has been a rush and tiring day for us. Aiyo. So many things urgent. Today today today! so next time don't work in agency k? :p

But mummy still love my job. :)

I dunno about u Manfred, but next time would u go for passion or for pay? It's a question everyone will face in their lives. Unless u r 道明寺。Then again, its fictional, so doesn't exist. Haha. Mummy would go for a reasonable pay, but passion At 70%! Son, there is no point dragging ur feet to work everyday coz u face work 60-70% Of ur time daily. Life literally sucks if ur job super duper sucks. :p

But of coz there is this bottom line that at least u need to received ur fair share of bread and butter.

There is a lot of things in life u gotta encounter. So much that even mummy is still learning until I say goodbye.

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