Friday 6 January 2012

Mummy can't wait to see BB!

BB, Mummy can't wait to see you "on TV" again!!! Aiyo!!! 2 more weeks leh. :))))

Show Daddy and Mummy you kick kick soccer ok? (Why is Mummy already assuming that you are a boy-boy liao!) keke! But if u kick mummy too hard, Daddy will beat beat you o! :P Bleah! Daddy still love mummy more. KEKEKEK! Daddy, hor???

Daddy is getting better. He smoked lesser in front of us now. How not to love Daddy more right? And he off the TV switch and cover the TV before he goes to sleep. Maybe he also scared that too much radiation from the MIO modem will hurt mummy and BB. :) Daddy very nice hor? Hee!

I think BB always misses Daddy when Daddy cant drive mummy to "work". Coz everytime when Daddy not at home in the morning, u will make Mummy nauseous. U really love Daddy that much ah, u?

Last night Daddy was really kind to come to Raffles City to fetch us home even thou he was in AMK. Actually Mummy could go home herself, but yday Mummy really felt very weak and tired. And nearly puked in the train on the way to Raffles City, therefore pleaded Daddy to pick us home. Scared will puke in the train again. Coz standing up in the crowded train, Mummy will feel breathless and very xin ku. :(( BB, u know it too right?

Yeah, its Friday, can spend time with Daddy for the next 2 days. Arent u excited huh?

Daddy, if you are reading this, go read this webby. Very nice and touching.

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