Friday 13 January 2012

I'm totally thrilled!

Im really thrilled. Im already thinking what kind of mummy would I be. Would I be tough on the outside, but soft deep inside. Or would I be the soft-soft kind? Would daddy be the protective type and "eat the canes" for BB when BB is notti. OMG, Im so excited. 6 more months, my previous.

With you growing in my tummy, is a blessed joy. I never feel lonely anymore. When Daddy works until really late, I know I cant wait for him, because BB needs your full rest too. And so I would on some lullaby for us to fall into sweet dreamland. But always know that Daddy love you much too. Just that he is very busy with work and he cant be with you 24/7 coz you r not inside daddy tummy mah. haha! But I feel BB very attached to Daddy. Coz Daddy love you more than Mummy. And i can sense it when BB misses Daddy.

I love you my precious darling. I hope you are coping well inside Mummy. Are you already learning the basics? Can you hear mummy? Can you feel what mummy is feeling? Do you jerk a bit when mummy coughed badly? :P

Next on the list, I wanna buy really sweet and nice BB posters, so that you will not be lonely, you will see cuties every morning you wake up.

I cant wait to help you wear little Tigger booties. :D $24.00 OK?

Are you boy boy or Girl Girl har? I wish I could take a peek next Wed. :)

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