Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year Baby

NEW NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2012~ baby. The year that you will say HELLO to the world! :) Mummy loves u so much and cant wait to say hello to you and hold you in my arms. That would be in July.

Mummy feels very loved by Daddy these past few days. Daddy kept giving me small pecks and snuggle me. Mummy feels happy. Last night when watching TV, mummy wants to go get water, because feels dehydrated, when ask daddy if he wants a drink too, daddy actually offered to help mummy get yakult. Daddy is wonderful, right baby?

If really, this could go on and on.

Last night, we went to 3rd uncle place, mummy's 3rd brother.. and saw chatted with him and his wifey. Of coz they shared a lot of experience with us. Baby, you cannot get jealous when mummy plays with other babies ok? :) U know mummy loves you the most and the best.

Alright, later going wai po and wai gong house and mummy needs to pack her wardrobe le. :( BAH. A lot of clothes mummy wont be needing them. :P


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