Monday 9 January 2012

BB brings luck to Mummy and Daddy

BB, u r a lucky BB. Mummy first time tio 4D, and it happens to be a 2nd prize. Aiyo. Actually also thanks to the Confinement Auntie lar.

And its Mummy's favourite number 9731. mummy buys ibet only, but daddy buy $5 big and $5 small. And daddy stirike $600+, mummy only strikes $80 :( But cannot greedy. Got chance win 4D and 2nd prize, mummy very happy le :)

Thanks BB!

Anyway, today was a rough ride to work. Maybe its a long ride standing, and mummy having a flu. Cannot really breathe properly and having a backache le. :( Nearly puke and fainted in train. So scary, especially mummy is alone.


Daddy wants mummy to cab cab to work but expensive leh. Mummy needs to save $$$ for BB's future spending le.

Mummy will jiayou. Maybe brekkie before taking a long ride to work may help. :)

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