Tuesday 4 March 2014

A quick update @ 28 weeks!

Mitch is 28 weeks and as of 27 weeks, he was 1.2kg! :) and mummy was 62.5kg - an increase of 7.5kg since preggy.

Tummy is rather big for a 7 months. And yay! I'm stepping into my 3rd trimester. 

When I worked too much on chores in the day, my back/butt cheeks hurts like madness at night. I nearly fell over as I can't control my aching back muscles. 

Mitch is kicking and doing popping often. I could feel him every now and then. Sometimes it could get like uncomfortable or funny, but ultimately I would prefer to feel him move it move it. 

A picture to show at 28 weeks. 

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