Thursday 20 March 2014

@30 weeks!

Hi Mitchell! Finally we get to see u in 4d today!

Splendid. It was a last minute decision when we visited doc ho this morning. It wasn't necessary to have 4d scan and it was expensive but since we did for korkor, I think it was only fair that you can have your own 4d scan too. 

And here u go!

And here's a comparison between u and korkor!

Baby, u are 1.9kg as of 30weeks! Well done. Keep growing and we will see u soon! Mummy is 63kg today! Erm... And that would be 8kg gain from pre pregnancy weight. :) still good. Fingers crossed. 

Anyway boss asked me to go for early maternity leave and come back to work early too. Hmm... Actually it does sound good. :) coz mummy is really tired nowadays. Actually it was also my wish to go maternity leave early to stay home relax and 养胎。since boss brought it up today and I shall accept it. Though I wasn't prepared to go sooo early. 

We shall spend some time together then!

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