Wednesday 28 December 2011

Oscar Baby

Hello BB!! So excited and happy, saw baby MOVING just now during the scan! BB very active ah, trying very hard to jump jump here and a jump jump there hor? Daddy so amazed with your jumpin around. Next time can kick kick daddy liao. hehehe!

Did BB "hear" when mummy mentally sang Bai Yue Guang to you? Hopefully to calm baby down a little coz that Dr Tan said that you too active le, cant get you settled down to scan. :D

Mummy has never been loved by her mummy before. I dunno how is it felt to be genuinely loved by a mummy, but i guess its a mother's instinct. Hopefully mummy can make it there. I love bb and I hope bb can sense it too. I wanna do all to protect you, even when you are inside me, next time, how?

BB must guai guai jiayou ok? Mummy is here with you.

Anyway daddy wont be able to celebrate mummy birthday with me next year le. I still have BB right? :') That would have been the 6th month. If everything goes smoothly, mummy tummy will be big big le. :) Bleah. Then mummy bring BB go eat Birthday Dinner okie? :P Don't care daddy.

We will b seeing Doc Ho again on 18th Jan! :D Yeah! BB JIAYOU!


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