Thursday 15 December 2011

good morning baobei

Bao bei = bb too. :)

Mummy just wanna say she love bb very much. Even thou I can't touch u yet. I can't kiss u yet. But every morning when I wake up, I touch my tummy, I feel u. Feel you cosy in my tummy. I hope bb is safe and warm. That's all mummy can pray for. All I can say is that, u r mummy's baby.

Daddy also love bb very much o. Whenever he remember, he will kiss kiss mummy tummy. I'm sure daddy will dote on bb when bb is with us. But daddy still haven't cook bird nest for us yet hor. Humph. Tonight complain to daddy ok?

Can't wait to see bb on 28th! Hee.

Bb, 你要健康好吗?
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