Monday 5 December 2011

lousy lunch

Hello bb, the nasi lemak really din quite satisfy our gluttony mouth hor? Humph! Nvm, lets wait for tonight caima laksa! Yummy! That is truly mummy favourite oh, I hope u will like it too. :)

Anyway these few days, mummy start to feel chills quite often. :( Tmr gotta ask doc Ho why like tat.

Bb very tired ah, making mummy v tired.too. keep dozing off at work. Cannot always like tat k?

Daddy fetched us to town and we took a bus to work after a satisfying breakfast! That was yumyum. But the naseous came again. >"_<

Hao la, bb go rest ba. Mummy gotta go work work le, before boss derrick caught me red handed. :P
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