Friday 30 December 2011

Mummy was angry with Daddy or angry with herself

BB, yesterday mummy was mad at Daddy coz he told mummy he is going to play Pokers on New Year Eve. First thing, mummy doesnt like daddy to gamble, and daddy gets hooked to gambling stuff very easily.

Second thing, daddy not gonna spend New Year Eve with us??

Then he told me that its in the noon. Noon is ok, but he so last min tell me, mummy is angry coz where I go find people to go out so last min? I need to go buy CNY clothes, and this time round, mummy don't have the luxury of choosing from the 100% of clothes that she see in the shopping mall le. Only loose loose clothings. :( But also wan loose and pretty one leh. :P

But BB, daddy seems like he is allowing us to go for Mayday... thou not the jumping area. :>

Anyway, mummy is gonna jiayou look for pretty CNY clothes. :P Starting from today! With mummy's da sao @ tampines. BB - help mummy to look out and let mummy sense it k??

Yeah, mummy has half day today. :P Not eat snake hor, bossy said nothing to do can go one.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Good morning bb

Curry puff for u? Hehe. Later got the Malay authentic nasi lemak. Nice. And we are early for work. Keke

Today air very fresh hor. Coz we din breathe in daddy smoke smoke early in the morning. Daddy also very love love u o! But just scared that in the long term he may feel that we r his nuisance coz he can't smoke as frequently as he would like to.

But in any way, u have got mummy. :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

BB 不再吸烟。

BB, when mummy see you today, i really wanna protect you even beyond my abilities. I'm gonna be careful in my food selection. I'm gonna walk carefully. I'm gonna take my supplements, even thou they taste like shot. And I'm not gonna let you breathe in 2nd/3rd hand smoke. They are very harmful to BB.

We will not hang around smokers.
We will go far far from them.

Mummy wanna pick up the guitar again. Mummy wanna write songs again. Mummy wanna bb to learn in mummy stomach. :)

Mummy wan u to continue kicking and playing happily, in mummy tummy... and after you come out to see the world. Mummy wants you to be healthy.


Oscar Baby

Hello BB!! So excited and happy, saw baby MOVING just now during the scan! BB very active ah, trying very hard to jump jump here and a jump jump there hor? Daddy so amazed with your jumpin around. Next time can kick kick daddy liao. hehehe!

Did BB "hear" when mummy mentally sang Bai Yue Guang to you? Hopefully to calm baby down a little coz that Dr Tan said that you too active le, cant get you settled down to scan. :D

Mummy has never been loved by her mummy before. I dunno how is it felt to be genuinely loved by a mummy, but i guess its a mother's instinct. Hopefully mummy can make it there. I love bb and I hope bb can sense it too. I wanna do all to protect you, even when you are inside me, next time, how?

BB must guai guai jiayou ok? Mummy is here with you.

Anyway daddy wont be able to celebrate mummy birthday with me next year le. I still have BB right? :') That would have been the 6th month. If everything goes smoothly, mummy tummy will be big big le. :) Bleah. Then mummy bring BB go eat Birthday Dinner okie? :P Don't care daddy.

We will b seeing Doc Ho again on 18th Jan! :D Yeah! BB JIAYOU!


Monday 26 December 2011

Happy boxing day precious.

Hehe... Have u boxed daddy yet? Not yet hor? So our boxing day not accomplished yet. :p daddy sick sick eh. So he slept very early tonight. Thou he snores like a pig, but daddy really v cute.

Mummy love daddy and manfred. Muacks.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas my baby.

Merry xmas, my little baby. Mummy hope you have enjoyed yourself at god wai po place last night.

Everyone is so excited about you baby. U must jiayou with mummy ok.

Counting down....

Anyway mummy bought a xmas present for myself. A galaxy note. Hehe. Mummy is still a tech freak. Hahahahahaha.....

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Wai po and er Bo mu receive the news le.

Bb, 2 more pple know about u le. When mummy scoop my fried rice, Wai po said two people must eat more rice. Stun dao mummy. Er Bo mu heard too, so mummy had to admit. Anyway Wai po and er Bo mu are mummy's very close family members. Mummy feel good that now they know about it. er bo mu knows a lot of people, therefore she also know a lot of things. Wai po also v happy. :) I think ultimately daughter gets pregnant and daughter in law gets pregnant are two v different things for a mother.

Bb, 2 more people to care for u le, ok?
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mummy bring bb go home drink soup soup

Today er Bo mu cooked lotus soup. Mummy and bb need nourishment so mummy bring bb back to drink soup soup. :) finally something healthy after 2 days of junk. Hahahaha ...

And mummy also bought goreng pisang. Hahahhahahah =.=
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ohaiyo my precious.

Bb, mummy love u. 10 weeks 5 days. Daddy and mummy will be seeing u next week! *scream excitedly*

Had breakfast with daddy today. So happy. :) *beam with joy and bless*

Tonight Mummy will be making tang yuan for daddy family. :) bb cannot get.tired too early ok?

Anyway mummy sad sad that will have to miss Mayday concert next year. Daddy scared scared will affect bb, too loud for bb. :( so sad to miss it. :___c sigh. But for bb, mummy have to sacrifice.

Bb next time must treat mummy to Mayday concert ok. Humph.
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Monday 19 December 2011

bb dun like junkies.

Hm, bb doesn't like junkies ah. Mummy bought 4 types of favourites. But every first 2 mouths that mummy took, mummy felt nauseous le. So in de end, wasted all de food. :(

Bb really doesn't like junkies ma? Daddy must b very happy to hear this.
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bb and mummy love junkies

Bb, mummy bring u go basam malam buy junkies k?

Shhhh... Dont tell daddy.

Let's rock and roll.... In de rain. Bleahs.
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Saturday 17 December 2011

To batam to batam to buy.... cheap teeshirts!

Morning bb, we are going to batam with Yeye, nainai, da po, da po mu, daddy, zhuang shushu and ur cousins!

Our lovely weekend.
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Friday 16 December 2011

bb, mummy is fat

Bb, mummy is getting fatter and fatter. Not sure is it bb growing or mummy growing only. So worried leh. Mummy also vain vain. Don't wanna have too much extra weight gain. Sobsob.

Bb, don't make mummy wanna eat too much k. But mummy also worried later make my bb go hungry. Mummy rather get fatter.

... Mummy hungry again.
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Thursday 15 December 2011

mummy wan to order tingkat

Yes, mummy is v keen to order tingkat so tat daddy and mummy dont have to fan what to eat every night... And hopefully more healthy.

Must discuss with daddy on this.
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Pantang belief about pregnancy

BB, we will TRY ok??? hehe

Mummy got this from other mummies' blogs.

Share this with you first...
NO drilling, nailing, painting, cementing, hammering or removing anything from walls, shifting of furniture with the pregnant lady around. Belief is such tt the baby's spirit is always following the mum... if at home, it can be anyway including by the wall... so older people say when you do these, you might accidently nail/paint/cement/drill the spirit.
if you believe it but HAVE to do it, older folks suggest saying out loud "excuse me, we are going to XXXX" 3 times to make sure our baby spirit hears it.

BB, are you always following mummy and daddy? Then we must be very careful when we do things hor. If you hear loud sounds when we are walking on the streets, dont be scared ok? Just stay close close to mummy or daddy. We will protect u! :) You are our precious gem.

The other mummies suggested that sometimes when we are outside and cannot avoid things like people drilling and painting, mummy will have to tell you that other people are doing painting/drilling, and BB will have to siam them ok? Be street-smart ok? heh heh !

Somemore pantangs to come....

  1. In the 1st 3 months of pregnancy, do not tell anyone that you are pregnant. Else may not make it through.
  2. Do not drill or hammer nails during pregnancy. If you need to, just get out of the house and say 'Baby, we are going out now'. My feng shui master advised me on this when we had to install air conds in the house.
  3. Do not go to a place where construction is in progress.
  4. Do not shift house
  5. Do not cut - especially on the bed - else baby will have hair-lipped
  6. Do not sew else some parts of baby will be 'sewn' together
  7. Do not paste things in the bedroom. My Ryan has a birthmark on his chect. Someone asks me once if I pasted anything while I was pregnant. I pasted/stuck baby posters on the walls in the bedroom. Hmmm
  8. Cannot go to any full moon celebrations when you are pregnant. 'Chung'/against the celebration!
  9. Cannot move furnitures in your room - especially marriage bed/the bed that you are sleeping in
  10. Cannot attend funerals
  11. Cannot do gardening. Once when I was pregnant (about 1 month), I was planting grass and walk ways in my new house. I had a miscarriage after that. My hubby thought it could be because of that. But then again, the pregnancy was not strong to start off with. So...
  12. Cannot eat seafood like crab because 'tok'/has toxin. This one I believe because seafood can cause sensitive skins and I had a lot. Ended my kids have bad eczema. My daughter is ok so far as I controlled my intake.
  13. Do not eat lamb ('yeung' in cantonese) - else baby gets 'fat yeung tiu'/epilepsy. I was laughing about this. Just because the animal is called 'yeung' doesn't mean you'll get 'fat yeung tiu'. Other when you eat chicken/'kai', you'll get 'fat kai won' la!! Some got irritated with me about this!! Hehe!
  14. Do not watch animals like monkey else the baby will look like monkey (eg). now this one has some science behind this and it was proven. So better believe it. Some saids it was due to constant exposure or when you had a shock when you see the animal. Not sure. Better avoid. But easier said than done coz TV and Astro love to show animals!
  15. Do not watch horror shows
  16. Do not eat cool things like watermelon, herbal drink etc. Avoid fruits in the 1st 4 months. May cause miscarriage. I definitely followed this as my Chinese medical practitioner advised this
  17. Cannot eat sotongs! :((

good morning baobei

Bao bei = bb too. :)

Mummy just wanna say she love bb very much. Even thou I can't touch u yet. I can't kiss u yet. But every morning when I wake up, I touch my tummy, I feel u. Feel you cosy in my tummy. I hope bb is safe and warm. That's all mummy can pray for. All I can say is that, u r mummy's baby.

Daddy also love bb very much o. Whenever he remember, he will kiss kiss mummy tummy. I'm sure daddy will dote on bb when bb is with us. But daddy still haven't cook bird nest for us yet hor. Humph. Tonight complain to daddy ok?

Can't wait to see bb on 28th! Hee.

Bb, 你要健康好吗?
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Tuesday 13 December 2011

bb, be positive.

Bb, don't listen to bad things ok? Juz be positive together with mummy. Jiayou jiayou k?

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sorry bb

Sorry bb. Mummy has been making u worried these few nights. Whenever mummy cried myself to sleep, I can feel the pinch in my tummy. Bb must be feeling v bad too. But mummy don't know how to break the news to daddy. Really dunno how to tell him. And bb future also depend on our decision.

I'm sorry bb. :( but mummy will always be here with bb.
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Monday 12 December 2011

bb wan to eat fast food?

Hmm... Mummy got craving for chilli sauce... So mummy bring bb eat long John and we had 4 packets of chilli sauce.

Lunch, only the 2 of us. Gee. Aunty cat always lazy eat lunch de lor then wan mummy da pao back for her. Bleah....

Wonder if daddy sns contract sign oredi or not. Bb, let us pray for daddy k?

Love love.
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Thursday 8 December 2011

mos burger?

Mummy bring bb go tiong bahru walk walk ok? Then we da bao mos burger back, also have to help aunty cat to buy her lunch. She forever not gg lunch one. Sigh. Nvm, mummy got bb. :)
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good night baby

It's another day. Not too tiring. Still good. Do u realise daddy getting v impatient and grumpy nowadays? Haha, just like his mother. Muahahahah.. lucky still got ah zhuang shushu to entertain mummy. :) think daddy v stressed at work, and he is hiding in his shell, distancing fr us more. :( bb yao guai. Must understand. Mummy pei ni ok?

Anyway, 2 more persons know about bb le. But these people must know, coz they r v close to us. With them knowing, at least they can help or advise mummy in case mummy can't do it or mummy did certain things wrongly so its ok to let our close family know k?

Alright, good night bb.
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

mummy hates taking big ass pills

BB ah, mummy really hates those bigass pills. Everytime gotta use the vomit effect to swallow them. 2 somemore. -_____-

But Everytime when I think bout how beneficial these pills are for us, I have to do it. At least for bb. Mummy have to Jiayou!


Hehe, later having dinner with daddy's brothers. And we hv to choochoo train there. Sigh, bb Jiayou. Mummy will drink cereal before she goes off. So we won't b too hungry n black out.
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good morning baby.

Muackies to my dear dear bb.

Hmm... Mummy couldn't finish the mee today but gobble down the samosa and begedil. BB cannot be like mummy hor... Only like junk food -___-"' maybe mummy should set good example for bb. No junk food.. Wah, then again life is no fun without junkies. :( Nvm la, we live life to its fullest then! Hehe! :D
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Tuesday 6 December 2011

mummy become merlion

:( sorry bb. Next time not gonna have those processed meat stuff anymore. Phobia of 大肉包。puke until so loud and awkward. Sob. Puke until mummy tear coz stomach pain pain and cannot stop vomiting.

Next time only healthy stuff. Nomore baos and sausages!

Bb, r u ok? No scare scare, mummy is here.
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how to siam smokers?

Uncle kel like v Stressd hor, keep smoking and mummy can smoke sitting beside him. Making mummy nauseous. :(

Bb bear with it ok? :)
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and we got the 2nd scan!

Bb looks so endearing... :) and mummy put on weight le, 50.4kg le wor. BB also progressing wor... Now measuring 17.3mm. Mummy v proud of bb. :)

Bb, Jiayou! You can do it. Going doc Ho on 28th and will be doing Oscar scan at Thomson too. Bb and mummy must take good care alright. Esp mummy... Bleah. Must take care of 2.

Muacks Muacks to bb. Loveee u.
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bb 2nd appt with Dr Ho

Bb, 我们到了。不过还是要等哦。daddy还没有到。我们等等等吧.

Can sense bb don't like spicy stuff. Everytime mummy eat spicy stuff, tummy will be fiery. Mummy promise dont eat curry le ok? Until bb give me signal that U wanna try again.

Very nice cosy ambience here hor. Sleepy le ba?? Hehe. BB rest rest first, while mummy read her 九把刀 :p

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last night

Bb, mummy had a bad scare last night. The cramps felt so weird, like the menses is going to come anytime. I was so so so worried. And the cramps is really making mummy uncomfortable. Woke up at 3am. Went to pee pee. So scared. I prayed to God, let my baby be safe.

Mummy is feeling ok now. But forgotten my folic acid yet again. Later ask from doc Ho. :) mummy is so excited. Bb, show mummy and daddy your progress ok?

And now thinkin what breakfast to have.... Hee.

Love u bb.
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Monday 5 December 2011


bb 你撑住。mummy去找吃的。不可以让mummy晕倒。很快的,很快的。
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lousy lunch

Hello bb, the nasi lemak really din quite satisfy our gluttony mouth hor? Humph! Nvm, lets wait for tonight caima laksa! Yummy! That is truly mummy favourite oh, I hope u will like it too. :)

Anyway these few days, mummy start to feel chills quite often. :( Tmr gotta ask doc Ho why like tat.

Bb very tired ah, making mummy v tired.too. keep dozing off at work. Cannot always like tat k?

Daddy fetched us to town and we took a bus to work after a satisfying breakfast! That was yumyum. But the naseous came again. >"_<

Hao la, bb go rest ba. Mummy gotta go work work le, before boss derrick caught me red handed. :P
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Saturday 3 December 2011

8 weeks.

BB, Jiayou together ok? We will be visiting Dr Ho together this coming Tuesday. Show mummy and daddy ur progress Okie? Daddy is still smoking a lot so bb and mummy must bear with it. Mummy feels sorry for BB. But mummy wishes that BB can Jiayou, fight the nicotine monster. We will be stronger than the monster, yeah!? Every time when daddy smoke, mummy feels v irritated, but no choice, daddy won't give up smoking, so how? We have to suck it up together.. cannot let daddy harm us ok?

Mummy loves u.
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