Monday 12 March 2012

Mummy Love Mayday and Manfred.


Mummy loves Mayday. And Manfred. Then Daddy...

After a tiring day at work, or when mummy mood is down down, Mayday videos never fail to crack me up, no matter what. :)

I hope when Manfred grows up, you can also find something you love that can make you smile at an instant.

Mummy has been a fan for Mayday since secondary sch, until now. LOVE. to . MAX. And this year, because of you, little thing, I didnt go to their concert. Was afraid that the sound would be too loud for your small ears. But its ok, i heard some from outside the stadium. I could just stay and finish the whole concert, outside, but Daddy was hungry and he sure was bored, so we compromised.

Anyway Manfred, its good, we've been lunching alone quite often, just the 2 of us. And its getting more and more comfortable. :) Good, keep it up.

Alright, let me get back to 五月天!

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