Tuesday 10 April 2012

Mummy got hospitalized for the 1st time.

Hmm, we had a good night sleep at least. But have to be woken up at 5am to take blood pressure.

We have cmone with us too.

Daddy is very nice to stay thru whole of yday with us. And he came early this morning! so proud of him!

mummy has the most painful jabs in my life in my thigh and one behind my buttocks. For Manfred!

but I think it's mummy's fault. Mummy was too emo on Saturday night. And Sunday came the dull cramps. Then luckily daddy insisted bringing me to hospital yday. Happened that mummy has contractions.

Now, we are trying to stop the contractions before we can go back home. Mummy miss daddy so much last night. :(

Manfred u muz jiayou OK? Hang in there until July k? For your best sake OK? Mummy and daddy dun wan u to suffer if ur borned preterm. Hang in there!!!!

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