Thursday 19 April 2012

At home nua-ed for 6 days

Little Manfred, can you believe it, Mummy and you have nua at home for 6 days!

I hope we can get better soon and mummy can go back to work. :)

Actually i also dunno what is "better". Mummy is feeling fine, sometimes really good. Just that if I strain myself a little too hard, tummy will be a little painful. :( So we try not to push ourselves too hard, and not walk too long a distance.

Manfred's been really actively these 2 days. And mummy love it. I prefer you being active than quiet. It always gets me very worried when u r quiet, like 2 days ago. :( Nearly wanna rush to hospital liao, until daddy insisted that he felt movements.

Something's really cute happened today.

While I was on my lappy, suddenly u gave me a Knock! I asked you what is it, do u want milo or something. And if you want milo, give me another knock, and you REALLY KNOCK AT THE SAME PLACE!!! How can i not crawl down the bed and make hot milo for you? U tell me, my precious darling.

Mummy is so bored. Hopefully Daddy doesn't have to work late tonight. He is going away next week to Thailand. Manfred, you cannot be too excited ok, u have to wait for daddy to be around k? Mummy love u!

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