Wednesday 14 September 2011

and so Esther dear says....

Dear, at this point of time, no one can decide for you. This is your life. You have known mike for 10 years. Yes, ppl change but there's one thing that you can tell, that is his heart. I know mike's past hurts you. But it has to come to a point where you got to let go and walk over it or move on. It really does you no good holding on to it.

I might not know what you are feeling right now cos Im not the one going through but dear, I just hope you can be true to yourself and mike. Don't let any of his past tells you what to do.

People make mistakes all the time. Both of you will make mistakes after marriage. Mistakes can be big, can be small. By then, would you choose to walk away or deal with it. Calm down and give yourself time to think about it. Don't listen to what other people say. Listen to what your heart has to say. Babe, don't be afraid to make any decision. If you need a listening ear, you know that we are all here for you. The last thing you should do is to keep everything to yourself.
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