Friday, 3 August 2012

Manfred's Birth Story.

For so long that I haven't blogged, I dunno where to begin. Ok, maybe on the birth of Manfred first. 

On the second day after i delivered, I wrote my experience on FB. Wanted to share with my friends out there, especially those going to deliver...

"On the 11th July, I thought this would be the day. My son, Manfred will be nicknamed 7-11. But my son didn't wanted to be a convenience store afterall. 

On the 11th July, I was admitted, with a crazy crowd of big-stomach women waiting at the labour ward. Manfred was 39 weeks, and Doc Ho wanted to induce him already. But the cervix was tough and hard, so he needs the cervix to be soften and dilated before he can induce Baby Manfred, and he inserted the pill to dilate. 

At 2pm, my contractions started, mlld and bearable, not any issue.. just like any menses cramp I had in the past. Pain is good. And it got "better" as time passed. At about 8pm, I started to even have problem walking around. Good. 

At 10 plus, the hubby went back home to rest for the battle the next day. I tossed and turned in bed, but couldn't sleep well as the contractions came more frequently and the pain level got higher. 

At 4.30am, I was sent to the delivery suite, aka waiting for labour! I called the hubby, and he reached within 15min! Salute! 

At 6.30am, still no progress yet, asked hubby to go catch some breakfast, in case its gonna be a LOOOOONNNNGGGGG wait. 

At 8am, Doc Ho came and checked for dilation, it's progressed to 1.5cm and cervix has soften, therefore we proceeded to induce Manfred. I was put on drip to fasten the progress of induction. 

At 9am, I couldn't stand the pain anymore, afterall, I have suffered for 18 hours of contraction pains already and each time getting stronger and more frequent. My tears automatically rolled down my cheeks as I frowned and felt helpless. The hubby stood up, went out to the nurses' counter, and seek epidural assistance. I thought I could 'tahan' somemore, but I moaned in pain. The "laughing gas" didnt help much. 

The EPIDURAL was MAGICAL, though I had to suffered the 3 jabs into my lower spine. But it was magical. Numb waist down after shortly 5-10 min. It didnt feel good at first to have numby legs, but I couldnt feel the labour contractions at all. Magical. 

At 11am, it was 6cm!

At 12.30am, it was 8-9cm.

And at 1.35am, 9.5cm! We began to push. 

Manfred was in a OB position, meaning, he was supposed to be facing inwards - to my backspine, instead he faced outwards to my tummy. Doctor said under such circumstances, some doctors will go for C-sect, but my doc is a very PRO-nature birth person, so he said he will try to turn the position of the baby.

The midwife came in and taught me how to PUSH. Doc Ho wasn't around. It was not easy to push as I was on epidural and didnt really know how to PUSH, where to PUSH. Well, there's always a first time to everything. 

So, we pushed and pushed, and PUUUUUSSSSSHHHHHED, only when the contraction peak is coming up, so that gave me some breathers in between. 

After 45min of pushing, I was tired already, and there is still no progress. Manfred was still inside. So they have to call in Doc Ho for assistance, while I rested for a while and the nurses prepared all the neccesary equipments. 

Doc Ho came in and started to use the vacuum to turn Manfred's position facing inwards. He tried a lot of times, and I tried pushing a lot of times too. It was mad desperate and tired. The pushing took too long, Manfred is gettin stressed, everybody in the room was getting stressed too. From one midwife, they called in another 2-3 more to help. 

I thought it was coming, as I have already tried my bestest and I was already on the verge of giving up. But Doc Ho looked at me with a serious look and said "no, he is not progressing". 

I cried. I didn't know what to do anymore. First time in my life, I wanted something to happen so badly. Doc Ho said I can't cry, I needed to concentrate. I needed to HELP HIM get Manfred out. The hubby was very encouraging beside me. Very supportive. Never doubting me while I doubted myself very much. 

I was given oxygen. 

The problem was the baby was a little too big. And he was stuck. And he was gettin stressed. If I could not manage to push him out in these 2 final rounds, I might have to go for C-sect which also means, I will have 2 sets of stitches!


"Ok, baby is coming. Mei Lian, Final Push, Baby is coming!"

The hubby saw Doc Ho seriously using his strength to PULL Manfred out. 

Manfred cried.

Manfred cried loud!

I heard my baby cry! I cried. Maybe louder than Manfred. First time in my life, I cried like that due to joy and relief. I COL - cried out loud. I think I stunned the hubby a little until he was asked to cut the umbilical cord. The happy hubby did it with great joy. :)

The midwives and the PD did what they needed to do while Doc Ho stitched me up. I turned to my right and looked at my baby. He was covered in the white stuff and some blood. They cleaned, weighed and wrapped him. Then they placed my baby on my chest. He was gorgeous. He was lovely. My baby, smelled so good. For that 30 seconds, there is just NO words to describe how I felt. Only mothers can feel that kind of joy. Love at first sight.

Then the nurse came and took him. As she carried him, his little head of hair brushed across my cheek. It was like the BEST feeling ever! My heart just melt away. Love. This is seriously LOVE @ FIRST SIGHT.

Then the PD came over and said that my baby needs to be sent to NICU - special care. As Manfred was under stress during this difficult labour, his breathing was not regular. I pouted. But so long Manfred is fine. :) 

And the post challenges: 
1. Slept with the Discomfort of the stitches 
2. Got out of the bed and WALK
3. Pee in the toilet bowl
4. Wash your stitches and wounds properly
5. Apply the anti septic cream

I have done 1-4. No.5 I still couldnt do it on my own yet, as I cant see my stitches below. :( Hubby is helping me with that. 

I know there are many girlfriends out there who are also pregnant now. I wish all of you all the best. Its not easy, its never easy. But when u see your baby, its totally WORTH IT. "

Written on 13 July. 

And some pictures to show. Taken on THE DAY. :) 

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