Saturday 5 April 2014

My 30th Bday spent at RWS

It was still memorable and feeling good even one week from when it happened. The downside was the packing part when you are bringing a toddler along - but it was all worth it.

So we set off on Saturday morning, reached there at about 11am++ and we chiong to USS becoz the minion photograph session was at 1120am. We were so lucky, the moment we stepped in, the minions came out, they are Manfred's favourite, nope, BIG FAVOURITE. And once again, he stared in disbelief. He was happy and excited! Yup, and we purposely dressed him as a mini minion too! How cute!!

The weather was HOT beyond words. It was madness. We were sweating inside out - all wet. Poor Manfred was sweating in his pram - we had a thorough wet through minion ;) We had lunch in USS - one of the burger chain. Expensive like maybe $11 a set (not inclusive of drinks, just the burger and fries) but luckily they don't taste too bad so I don't want to complain since I should have expected those rates at a tourist spot. And we ordered nuggets kids meal for Manfred - HE LOVE IT! The meal comes with nuggets + fries + drink (orange juice) and the nuggets are super yummy! Not the common mcdonalds' nuggets. 

And after lunch, we continued to explore USS. We didnt take any rides, just walk around and take pictures. :) I cant take rides due to my big tummy and Manfred wont be able to stand the long waiting queue (somemore in the HOT weather)!

So hot! Drink more water! 

Its only sensible to bring a pram to USS. But either way, if you didn't, you can rent one at US. They even have double sitter pram. :) 

Manfred likes to MOOVE-IT MOOVE IT. 

PUSS IN THE BOOTS! (which Manfred calls it "The Cat")

Far Far Away Land

That sums up our first part of USS! You can see the boy is not in a very good mood liao. 

And then we checked in to Hard Rock Hotel. Hmm... I was rather disappointed for a $500+ 2D1N stay. The room was not very well-maintained. :( It had stains and spots on the wardrobe. The bathroom was just a simple rectangular shaped space for you to bathe, pee and poo with no divider or anything. So if you were to bathe, the whole space would be wet. I had to be extra careful of slip & fall since Im preggy. The sliding door of the bathroom could not be locked so the little boy kept sliding the door opened and wanted to come in when I was taking my shower. 

Not impressive for the price we paid for. :( Thou it was still afterall a decent room to sleep in for one night. 

We rested and Manfred took his nap for like 2 hours.. It was tedious at first and drove his daddy up the wall, coz the boy was so excited running about in the room and he refused to take his nap. And then i realised that when we stopped begging him to nap, and we just ignored him totally, we pretended to sleep, he actually joined us on the bed and KO-ed! The same thing happened when at night during bed time. :) haha! 

After a good nap, we chiong USS again, hoping to meet minions again, and WE DID!! AGAIN, when we entered USS, the minions were there again! How lucky can we get!! But this time round, daddy didnt wanted to queue for the photo. We just stood by the side and watched the 2 yellow potatoes. Wanted to catch Elmo, but we didnt. :( Anyway here are the rest of the photos taken @ USS. 

The closest of Elmo we can get. 

And finally! Im so excited. I met Shrek!!! When we went 3 years ago, didn't get to catch him, I was so disappointed. This time round, I wasn't expecting him, and I SAW HIM!  

So we said byebye to USS at about 7pm, went to my favourite buffet line - The Starz Restaurant located at Hard Rock Hotel lobby. I didnt take picture of any food related coz I was busy stuffing myself with FOOD. I was so hungry. But anyway hubby went to tell the staff that it was my birthday and I got a slice of cake from them. The cake was good. :) Yummy! Always liked it here. They cleared your plates very promptly. Service was good too. 

Happy Birthday to me - with my 3 men (big and small and in-the-making) 

And its bed time. The boy in his PJs. Still not ready to sleep anytime soon. 

Ok, lets try... into lalaland. 

Manfred shared the King Bed with us and he slept horizontally, kicking my back (I was facing away from him) from time to time. i didnt have a good sleep coz my pelvic was aching quite bad the whole night. Guess due to too much walking during the day. It felt like I just ran my 2.4km. It felt stiff and ached with every inch I tried to move. 

So we woke up in the morning (at 8am!!) Manfred woke up first I guess the sun shone in. Argh, forgot to draw the curtains the previous night and letting the sun shine in is a no-no! My boy is very sensitive to sound and light. But anyway we went swimming. Ok, this I got nothing to complain about the pool since Hard Rock Hotel has got one of the best themed pool in Singapore. 

Manfred chickened out initially, but after he saw a girl close to his age calmly playing in the water... he braved up! (LOL) And he began his swimming adventure with Daddy! 

Ended manfred's virgin swimming attempt with a HOORAY success! 

Had lunch at Malaysia Street next to USS, and we called it an end to our Birthday staycation. Thanks to the hubby for a wonderful bday staycation! <3

Although it was tiring in a way (packing and unpacking) BUT its all really worth it. I have enjoyed myself very much and it made me happy to see my boy happy! Simple as that. 

Looking forward for more fun moments that I could share with my love ones. :)